Systems we install that do not have batteries usually do not report consumption (usage).
Using your Utility bill and data from your monitoring web site, you can calculate your usage.
You can determine your monthly usage using the information on your PG&E bill and your Enphase My Enlighten information for the same period.
The detailed information on your PG&E bill shows your net energy received from PG&E.
If you add the generated electricity from the Enphase My Enlighten web site for the same date as the bill:
You get usage for that period in kilowatt hours: 463 + 573 = 1,036 kilowatt hours.
In the summer months, when your system creates more energy than you use, the net consumption data from PG&E should be a negative number, which you would subtract from the energy produced by your system reported in Enphase My Enlighten to determine your actual usage.